April 23, 2021
The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County held their regular business meeting Tuesday, April 20, 2021, in the Chesapeake Building in Leonardtown.
The Commissioners recognized important milestones and initiatives by presenting Proclamations for National Public Library Week, National Child Abuse Prevention Month, National Fair Housing Month, Administrative Professionals Month and National County Government Month.
At 9:15, the Commissioners held a Public Hearing to accept comment on the Department of Economic Development’s request for a Property Tax Incentive for Investing in Commercial Properties ordinance.
The Commissioners approved a request from the Sheriff’s Office to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the St. Mary’s County Health Department for the State Opioid Response Year 2 Supplemental Grant No-Cost-Extension for Jail-Based Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Re-entry grant, project US2107, for the revised amount of $387,419. The funding is f