Crestwood voters will weigh-in on a $33 million bond measure in April that, if passed, will allow the city to issue several different bonds for different parks and recreation projects,.
Candidate filing for next April’s municipal and school board elections is currently underway. Filing for the April 4 elections began at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 4, and will continue until.
The Crestwood Board of Aldermen discussed a wide variety of ordinances at its regular monthly meeting on Oct. 24, ranging from added security to the aquatic center, a new playground.
The Crestwood Board of Alderman extensively discussed the city’s residential solid waste services renewal at its Oct. 24 meeting before unanimously voting in favor of said renewal at its Nov..
The Crestwood Board of Alderman extensively discussed the city’s residential solid waste services renewal at its Oct. 24 meeting as the present contract with Waste Connections, the city’s current solid.