A new year often means a fresh start for some people and comes with new resolutions. And with the rise of health consciousness in recent years, it comes as no surprise that many individuals are making healthy eating more of a priority.Over this new
The Covid-19 situation has been a significant influence on New Year shopping with more than three in four Thais (77%) saying it has affected their intention to buy holiday season gifts, according to Marketbuzzz, a local mobile marketing and market research specialist.
After a year where the number of coronavirus infections across Thailand was low by world standards the country was rocked by a newly emerging at the end of the year and measures were taken across the country to control the outbreak.
Thailand acted fast to tackle COVID-19 and now, we’ve seen an easing of the restrictions as the pandemic curve is now on a downward trend.
Not surprising the sentiment of the Thai people in January was low and even lower than what we experienced through-out the first wave of COVID-19 in 2020. Perhaps many people after what they experienced in 2020 were hoping a new year would turn out to be more positive for them and yet when you have the situation occur with the newly emerging of COVID-19 in January is appears to dampen the optimism which they were hoping for with the new year.