With both on demand, live-streamed Barre classes and private virtual instruction up and running, there’s no need to miss out on Fly Ldn’s experienced trainers and signature group lessons. With a big City following, Fly Ldn is popular for its stress-busting, strengthening routines, which leave you feeling powerful yet calm.
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My Weekly Latest Issue December 29
What can you say about 2020 that hasn’t been said already? I tell you what – let’s say nothing! Instead, why don’t we look ahead to 2021 with optimism? We’ve packed this issue full of great features to welcome in the New Year. There are reasons to celebrate, things to look forward to and loads of great reading! We’ve also listened to your requests and included a fab bumper crossword (p35), which I hope you enjoy. Please do let me know what you think, and what your plans, hopes and dreams are for 2021. On behalf of the My Weekly team, I wish you all a Happy New Year!