giving governors more freedom, slowing down the rate of growth of a outrageous entitlement spending, sure, i would be for that, but just not for this block granding concept because it is affirmative that i have agreed to keep obama care. if you can t accept the block grant concept, then you will never accept it. they could remove it and then we could vote on what we all agree on. wasn t that skinny repeal? i think there is more in this bill than skin any ny repeal, b started my political career campaigning against obama care. i said at rally after rally that we would repeal it, all of the spending, once we do, the republican name will be on income, and this won t work. we ll have republicans absorb
however, all that being said, if they narrow the focus to all the things we agree on, expanding health savings account, giving more freedom through waivers, slowing down the rate of growth of an outrageous entitlement spending, sure, i would be for that, but just not for this block granding concept because it is affirmative that i have agreed to keep obama care. if you can t accept the block grant concept, then you will never support this bill. is that fair to say? that s the centerpiece of the bill. they could remove it and then we could vote on what we all agree on. wasn t that skinny repeal? i think there is more in this bill than skinny repeal, but i started my political career campaigning against obama care. i went to rally after rally saying that we would repeal it. i can t in good conscience agree