because they behave less like a family. the white house first said trump went along with his recommendation by his attorney general and his deputy attorney general fire him because of his handling of the clinton e-mail investigation and then the president said he would have fired him and it was really all about the russian thing those are the president s words, the russian thing. and then he proceeded to attack comey. he s a showboat, a grand stander. the fbi has been in turmoil. you know that, i know that. director comey was very unpopular with most people. i thought when i made that decision, and i also got a very, very strong recommendation as you know, from the deputy attorney general, rod rosenstein. but when i made that decision, i thought it would be a bipartisan decision. i love the way lester holt gives you that poker face, here he is saying donald trump is
promised attorney general loretta lynch she could keep her job after that undisclosed meeting on the tarmac between bill clinton and loretta lynch. jim comey who has repeatedly shown himself to be a grand stander, egomaniac and political operative has shown himself to be the essence of the swamp that americans so want to clean up. it is time to go after jim comey. that s my opening. kel me what you think on my facebook page and twitter. here to talk about all the breaking news from today and more. my political panel. thanks for being here tonight. donald trump has said all the right things. it appears he s doing all the right thing. ahearing in ravaged southeast texas and southwest louisiana in
promised attorney general loretta lynch she could keep her job after that undisclosed meeting on the tarmac between bill clinton and loretta lynch. jim comey who has repeatedly shown himself to be a grand stander, egomaniac and political operative has shown himself to be the essence of the swamp that americans so want to clean up. it is time to go after jim comey. that s my opening. kel me what you think on my facebook page and twitter. here to talk about all the breaking news from today and more. my political panel. thanks for being here tonight. donald trump has said all the right things. it appears he s doing all the right thing. ahearing in ravaged southeast texas and southwest louisiana in
hearing of james comey. and his assertion that president trump spread lies about him. comey came to capitol hill after weeks of being called names by the president. being called a grand stander, unpopular, crazy, and a real nut job. it was then comey s turn to give his account of his relationship with donald trump. three days removed, where is this story moving to you? let me ask my panel ms. plank is a senior respondent at charles ellison, a democratic strategist and radio host of reality check in philadelphia and robert train um. a political strategist and msnbc
falsely tries to link the trump, the president, the white house into any of it. they continue to see if there s nothing there. the head of the fbi, james comey, has publicly explained why he delivered that october surprise. this was terrible. it makes me mildly nauseous to think we might have had some impact on the election. but honestly, it wouldn t change the decision. this is an nbc news special report. we laernld short time ago that president trump has fired fbi director james comey. it seems so abrupt where james comey even found out about it about it television. i think the president was given a recommendation by the deputy attorney general who the fbi director reports to. the filibuster director had lost the confidence to lead to fbi and the president took their recommendation and agreed with it. regardless of recommendation, i was going to fire comey. as he show boat, a grand stander, the fbi has been in turmoil. you know that. i know. that everybody knows that. i