Hummingbird Furnishings is one of those Belizean businesses that grew up from the ground with a lot of blood, sweat, tears and not to mention a lot of faith.
Jasmine Hartin, 33, (pictured) admitted that she shot Superintendent Henry Jemmott when his gun went off by accident while she handled it as they had a late-night drink together on a pier.
In her first detailed TV interview, the socialite admits accidentally shooting police superintendent Henry Jemmott on a moonlit pier in Belize. His family, however, believes Hartin murdered him.
A wealthy socialite and a senior police official end up on a moonlit pier in paradise. Then a single fatal shot rings out. Locals called it the crime of the young decade, but what happened?
Jasmine Hartin, who shares twins with Lord Ashcroft s son Andrew, is awaiting trial for shooting dead Henry Jemmott, a 42-year-old father-of-five, with his own service pistol in May.