it was in the apartment of such a wife that i became enormously involved with a medicine cabinet one morning not long ago. i had spent the weekend with this couple. they live on east 10th street near fifth avenue. such a weekend has left me reluctant to rise up in the morning with bright and shining face and go to work. they got up and went to work, but i didn t get up until about 2:30 in the afternoon. i had my face all lathered for shaving and the wash bowl was full of hot water when suddenly i cut myself with the razor. i cut my ear. very few men cut their ears with razors. but on the other hand, i was one of them. possibly because i was taught the old spencerian free wrist movement by my writing teacher in the grammar grades. the ear bleeds profusely. more angry than hurt, i jerked open the door and out fell from the top shelf a little black paper packet containing nine