A Rock County Board member says he wants to attend meetings of a subcommittee vetting candidates seeking to fill an open supervisor seat. But even if he finds out when the committee meets, he said he has been told itâs unlikely either he or the general public will be allowed in the room.
Wayne Gustina, a county supervisor from Beloit, shares the concern of two advocates for open government that the process shouldnât be shielded from public scrutiny.
Gustina said he has asked but not yet learned from county administration officials, board chairman Rich Bostwick or the countyâs lawyer when a subcommittee assembled by Bostwick will interview the individuals vying to represent Janesvilleâs District 23.
By Austin Montgomery
Adams Publishing Group
Advocates of open government have said the countyâs process for filling vacancies violates the stateâs open meetings law, but a county attorney argued the selection committeeâs work is not subject to that law.
The following information about the applicants was made available by the Rock County administratorâs office:
John Burt has been a Janesville resident for more than 32 years. He has a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering from Michigan Technological University. Burt has been a construction project manager for almost 40 years. In 1989, he started his career with Ryan Incorporated Central after spending eight years in El Paso, Texas.