Ivermectin Jalani Uji Klinis Terbesar di Dunia sebagai Obat Covid-19, Penyelidikan Dipimpin Oxford
Uji klinis Ivermectin tersebut untuk menyelidiki potensinya sebagai obat Covid-19 untuk pemulihan di rumah atau di luar pengaturan rumah sakit.
Senin, 28 Juni 2021 11:52 Editor: m nur huda
Obat covid-19 atau obat terapi penyembuhan pasien Covid-19 produksi PT Indofarma, Ivermectin, telah mendapatkan izin edar dari BPOM.
TRIBUNJATENG.COM, LONDON - Uji klinis besar-besaran dilakukan terhadap Ivermectin di dunia mulai minggu ini.
Uji klinis Ivermectin tersebut untuk menyelidiki potensinya sebagai obat Covid-19 untuk pemulihan di rumah atau di luar pengaturan rumah sakit.
Penyelidikan ini merupakan bagian dari Platform Randomized Trial of Treatments in the Community for Epidemic and Pandemic Illnesses (PRINCIPLE), di Inggris.
months. the police chief saying he can t rule out something happened. it just wasn t what was describes in the rolling stone article. it was the story that rocked the university of virginia. and sparked a national conversation about sexual assault. now police said they found no evidence that it was true and have suspended the investigation. that doesn t mean that something terrible did not happen to jackie. we are just not able to gather sufficient facts to conclude what that something may have been. the lengthy rolling stone article was published back in november. a woman called jackie claimed he was gang rained by seven men at a fraternity. were you ever able to find the student, the fraternity member who allegedly orchestrated this attack? no. they say she did not cooperate with the rain investigation. the shocking story initially led