Mae D Huettig, Romana Javitz and Shirley Graham DuBois were instrumental in their respective media fields but very few of us will be aware of their individual contributions.
signing table up front, if you want to take this with you. thank you all. how is c-span funded? donations. federal funds, grant funds? private contributions. honestly, i don t know. i would say from commercials. something from the government. how is c-span funded? 30 years ago america s cable companies created c-span as a public service, a private business initiative, no government mandate, no government money. the arthur laffer and member of ronald reagan s economic advisory board joins economist steven moore of the wall street journal an investment adviser peter tanous to discuss tax policy in the economy. vitco wrote the book, the end of prosperity. this is an hour. being the least famous of the three authors it is my privilege to start first. you all know steve. he is the ubiquitous presence on tv. at every time i turn the tv on, no matter what channel he seems to be on an art of course probably the best known economist in the united states. my field