Grafton Group plc (LON:GFTU – Get Rating) insider David Arnold sold 43,652 shares of the company’s stock in a transaction dated Wednesday, May 4th. The stock was sold at an average price of GBX 933 ($11.66), for a total value of £407,273.16 ($508,773.47). LON GFTU opened at GBX 910.10 ($11.37) on Friday. The company has […]
Grafton Group plc (LON:GFTU – Get Rating) declared a dividend on Thursday, February 24th, Upcoming.Co.Uk reports. Stockholders of record on Thursday, April 7th will be given a dividend of GBX 22 ($0.30) per share on Thursday, May 5th. This represents a dividend yield of 2.11%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, April 7th. […]