The NZonAir Diversity Report for 2021 acknowledges that Asians are “consistently underrepresented” in the audiovisual media in New ZealandThe survey covered the number of Asians involved in the roles of producers directors and writers
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The younger generation of the beef industry will convene to discuss the future of the industry, network with sector stakeholders and share their journey at the Beef Australia 2021’s Graeme Acton Beef Connections Lunch, supported by Westpac.
Launched at Beef Australia 2015, and named after the late Queensland cattleman and highly respected industry leader, Graeme Acton, the program develops the skills of 10 young people from across all areas of the beef supply chain.
Westpac Agribusiness general manager Stephen Hannan said Graeme was visionary in identifying the importance of nurturing the talent of young people so that they too could shape the future of the industry.