But despite all the debates, rebuttals and party politics, one thing remains certain: UC Berkeley needs nothing short of dependable, considerate, dedicated and tenacious leaders to navigate whatever lies ahead in the upcoming year.
In this pivotal year to come, UC Berkeley students not only deserve but require representatives who are understandable, knowledgeable, dedicated, and tenacious.
Throughout the course of a week following the preliminary tabulation event, the ASUC Elections Council certified the results of the referendums from the 2021 ASUC elections, which remain to be certified by the ASUC Judicial Council amid conflicting ASUC bylaws and UC Berkeley policies.
At its Monday meeting, the Elections Council certified the passage of the proposition titled Protecting the Checks and Balances of the ASUC Constitution. In accordance with campus policy on referendum fees, the three remaining propositions the Graduate Assembly Fee, Student Technology Fee and Daily Cal Initiative did not pass.
Both the Elections Council and Judicial Councils must certify election results for them to be deemed final.