The number one rule of staying relevant on social media is to keep your bases covered. Never one to miss a beat, Grinnell College has entered the TikTok game – producing regular content and receiving hundreds of views on each video.
Each TikTok posted to the @grinnellcollege account is put together by a team of staff members. The videos often star students working at the Office of Admissions as tour guides, senior interviewers or multicultural interns. Behind the scenes, Katy Tucker acts as the social media coordinator, Dayna Jensen manages the account as the Office of Communication content specialist and Grace Lloyd, senior assistant director of admission, edits the videos released on Instagram and TikTok.
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Regardless of whether you celebrated romance or patriotism over the double holiday weekend, you probably had more fun than Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
The governor was in Washington, D.C., on Friday
during a frenzied fallout from reports his administration withheld certain nursing home death numbers for fear of federal investigation. And he didn’t emerge to address the situation until Monday, during a nearly 90-minute virtual briefing
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On Presidents Day, Joe Biden, who returns to the White House from Camp David this afternoon, finally gets to be president. | Alex Brandon - Pool/Getty Images
It’s the first day of the post-Trump era.