Global Payments (NYSE:GPN – Get Rating) had its target price decreased by Royal Bank of Canada from $197.00 to $194.00 in a research report sent to investors on Tuesday morning, Benzinga reports. Royal Bank of Canada currently has an outperform rating on the business services provider’s stock. Several other equities research analysts have also weighed […]
Global Payments (NYSE:GPN – Get Rating) had its price objective hoisted by Truist Financial from $150.00 to $160.00 in a research note released on Tuesday, The Fly reports. Truist Financial currently has a maintains rating on the business services provider’s stock. Several other brokerages have also recently weighed in on GPN. Stephens initiated coverage on […]
Global Payments (NYSE:GPN – Get Rating) had its price target reduced by Raymond James from $190.00 to $174.00 in a research report sent to investors on Tuesday, The Fly reports. They currently have a maintains rating on the business services provider’s stock. Several other research firms have also recently weighed in on GPN. Robert W. […]
Global Payments (NYSE:GPN – Get Rating) had its price target raised by Robert W. Baird from $144.00 to $156.00 in a report published on Tuesday morning, The Fly reports. Robert W. Baird currently has a maintains rating on the business services provider’s stock. Other research analysts have also issued reports about the company. Wells Fargo […]
A longtime friend and collaborator of Nebraska Community Foundation recently received recognition for his nearly two decades of community-building work in northeast Nebraska and beyond.