MUMBAI: Actor Govinda has tested positive for the novel coronavirus and is under home quarantine, his wife Sunita Ahuja said on Sunday. The 57-year-old actor has mild symptoms and is following necessary protocol. He (Govinda) tested positive today morning. His symptoms are absolutely mild. There s nothing to worry about. He is quarantining at home and taking precautions, Sunita told
Govinda was last seen on the big screen in the 2019 comedy Rangeela Raja .
Earlier in the day, superstar Akshay Kumar and Bandish Bandits actor Ritwik Bhowmik also tested positive for COVID-19.
On Saturday, Mumbai reported 9,108 new cases of coronavirus, the highest spike in a single day.
Govinda contracts COVID-19; nothing to worry about, says wife Sunita
Sunita Ahuja stated that Govinda is following all necessary COVID-19 protocols. Govinda has isolated himself and is currently under quarantine
BusinessToday.In | April 4, 2021 | Updated 20:53 IST
Govinda with wife Sunita Ahuja (Source: Instagram)
Bollywood actor Govinda has tested positive for COVID-19, his wife Sunita Ahuja has confirmed in a statement. The 57-year-old actor has been experiencing mild symptoms , Ahuja told PTI.
Ahuja stated that Govinda is following all necessary COVID-19 protocols. Govinda has isolated himself and is currently under quarantine, according to PTI. He tested positive today morning. His symptoms are absolutely mild, she said.