Image: Page Industries Jockey: What lies beneath Page Industries got the underwear out of the closet and achieved a decadal success story like no other. A slowing economy has dented its sheen, but the company believes it is still in a sweet spot.
Jan 1, 2021
A visit to a Jockey store for day-to-day apparel like underwear or just plain pyjamas is sure to make one’s wallet lighter. For example, for men who like to laze at home in their boxers, the cost of the garment is upwards of ₹419 apiece. Pyjamas, another comfort garment, costs a shade under ₹1,000 apiece. Jockey, an American brand that re-entered India in 1995 (it was around for about three-four years in the early 1970s), generally carries a premium of at least 20% over other Indian mainline innerwear brands like Lux, Rupa, and Dollar.
The Battle for Indian Retail
How Mukesh Ambani, Amazon s Jeff Bezos and Walmart s Doug McMillon are fighting to get a bigger slice of India s $850 billion retail market
Illustration by Raj Verma
Ostensibly, Mukesh Ambani, Chairman, Reliance Industries, and the world s richest man, Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, are engaged in a court battle over ownership of the Rs 26,000 crore debt-laden Future Group. But at the core of the fight is the struggle for supremacy in the $850 billion (Rs 62.8 lakh crore) Indian retail industry. Having been pushed into a corner by Alibaba, not only in China but also in South East Asia, Amazon sees India as its only hope of achieving scale outside the US. Bezos is doing all he can to ensure that the opportunity to buy India s second-largest retailer does not go out of his hand easily.