Veteran Congress leader and former Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy turned 79 on Monday. The senior Congress leader, who is currently staying away from public life owing to ill health, however, celebrated his birthday at Aluva guest house here with his family and senior party leaders. Prominent actor Mammootty visited Chandy at the guest house to wish him on his birthday.
Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan on Monday warned LDF ministers against making statements that lowered the dignity of his office and said it would invite action, including their removal from office.
Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan has taken a strong stand against the ministers of the CPM-led Left Democratic Front (LDF) regime
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan has stayed the appointment of Associate Professor in the Department of Malayalam in Kannur University. India News | Kerala Governor Stays Appointment of CPM Leader s Wife in Kannur University.