Leaders representing seven Acholi clans have issued a protest letter condemning what they perceive as the “wrongful arrest” and detention of the Commissioner of Magwi County, Otto David Remson and Oringa Daniel.”
Around 683 Unified Forces from the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) have recently arrived in Torit, the capital of South Sudan’s Eastern Equatoria State, gearing up for deployment to various border posts. The move is part of the national border security initiative to safeguard the borders that Eastern Equatoria State shares with Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia.
Eastern Equatoria State Governor Louis Lobong Lojore on Monday donated SSP 8 million, 17 Motorbikes, and 8 drums of petrol to the SPLM party secretariat in Eastern Equatoria State.
The Governor of Eastern Equatoria State, Louis Lobong Lojore has pardoned more than 70 raiders captured during the deadly attack on Kapoeta North County.
South Sudan's Eastern Equatoria state governor Louis Lobong Lojore has temporarily relocated his office to Nimule town of Magwi county to contain the growing insecurity in the area. Government soldiers were deployed to disperse protests after tensions in the area heightened following the killing of a local chief was killed pon Monday while at a