Gov. Charlie Baker on Oct. 12 recommended pardons for four men convicted decades ago of crimes ranging from property destruction to assault and battery, pointing to their subsequent rehabilitation and calling them "worthy candidates" to have the slate wiped clean. The pardons are the first Baker has sought during his time in the corner office,
With three months remaining to make his mark on the Parole Board, Gov. Charlie Baker opted on Oct. 5 to seek reappointments for two current members who were first nominated by Gov. Deval L. Patrick. Recent Governor's Council news: Longtime prosecutor nominated for Superior Court benchGovernor’s Council confirms five nomineesBaker nominates Parole Board chair for
A longtime prosecutor with experience in narcotics and asset forfeiture would take a seat on the bench and a former MassGOP chair who currently is a District Court clerk-magistrate would move to .
Councilor Joseph C. Ferreira (left) administers the oaths of office to Brockton District Court Clerk-Magistrate Eric T. Donovan (right) just minutes after his confirmation vote, while Councilor Terrence W. Kennedy looks on. (Sam Doran/State House News Service) The Governor’s Council on Sept. 28 confirmed two new judges and three clerk-magistrates, taking the unusual step of