The Madras High Court recently came to the rescue of a family struggling to secure family pension for the past 36 years. The court also observed that the authorities conduct in making the family.
Citations: 2023 LiveLaw (Kar) 337 To 2023 LiveLaw (Kar) 374Project Vruksha Foundation V State Board For Wildlife (SBWL). 2023 LiveLaw (Kar) 337Dr Kallappa Mahadevappa Hosmani AND The Deputy.
The Karnataka High Court has held that a sister cannot be appointed on compassionate grounds upon the death of her married brother, who was working as Junior Line Men with Bangalore Electricity Supply.
The Supreme Court observed that a ‘lien’ of a government servant only ceases to exist when he/she is appointed on another post ‘substantively’/confirmed or absorbed permanently. Otherwise, his/her.