>PMQs - PM Krivokapić: Open issue of Prevlaka cannot be an obstacle for Montenegro s further progress towards EU membership
Published date: 28.04.2021 14:45 |
Author: PR Service
ʺIn your question, you stated that Montenegro signed an interim demarcation agreement with Croatia in 2002. Not only for terminological, but also for essential reasons, it is necessary to specify that the exact name of that agreement is Protocol on the Interim Regime along the Southern Border which was signed by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with the participation of representatives of the then Republic of Montenegro. Insisting on the colloquial term interim agreement suggests the temporary nature of the agreement, although the final provisions of the Protocol clearly show that it is an interim regime along the southern border, a regime whose duration is not limited by the deadlines in the Protocol itself, but on the contrary a provision stating that the regime will be valid unt