With Muslims vendors being prohibited from doing business on temple premises during Hindu religious festivals and fairs in parts of Karnataka, Vishwesha Teertha Swamiji of the renowned Pejawar Math on Wednesday said certain incidents of injustice with Hindus have led to this "explosive situation". He also said the solution should emerge from within the society and religious
Veteran actor Shabana Azmi has called out Kangana Ranaut for her recent remark on the Karnataka hijab row. Kangana had said, "If you want to show courage, show it by not wearing burqa in Afghanistan".
Bengaluru, Feb 9: A single-judge bench of the Karnataka High Court, hearing petitions seeking relief regarding wearing of hijab in colleges, on Wednesday referred the case to a larger bench.
Udupi, Feb 8: Fresh protests erupted at the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial College in Udupi on Tuesday as a group of students affiliated to Hindutva outfits intensified their agitation against hijab clad Muslim girls and raised provocative slogans.