When in September Jammu and Kashmir Lt Governor Manoj Sinha signed an order to rename the Government Degree College in Mandi, a small town in Poonch, on the Line of control, after Mali Bi, he was giving the due honour to the memory of a hero whose timely alert had prevented a major attack by the Pakistan Army to take over Poonch city during the 1971 war.
When in September Jammu and Kashmir Lt Governor Manoj Sinha signed an order to rename the Government Degree College in Mandi, a small town in Poonch, on the Line of control, after Mali Bi, he was giving the due honour to the memory of a hero whose timely alert had prevented a major attack by the Pakistan Army to take over Poonch city during the 1971 war.
This September Lieutenant Governor of J&K Manoj Sinha memorialised Shrimati Mali, the woman who saved Poonch in the war of 1971, by naming the Government Degree College in Mandi after her. It is a step in the direction to inspire the youth .
This happens at the time when Poonch, earlier known as the hotbed of terrorism, is pivoting towards a better life. The L-G laid the foundation stone for projects worth Rs 195 crore in the district. A Hockey Astro Turf and a Boxing Hall were also inaugurated for the youth. Projects worth Rs 79 crore were launched for the welfare of the tribal community along with infrastructure projects such as bridges, roads, power substations, and smart classrooms.Bein
This happens at the time when Poonch, earlier known as the hotbed of terrorism, is pivoting towards a better life. The L-G laid the foundation stone for projects worth Rs 195 crore in the district. A Hockey Astro Turf and a Boxing Hall were also inaugurated for the youth. Projects worth Rs 79 crore were launched for the welfare of the tribal community along with infrastructure projects such as bridges, roads, power substations, and smart classrooms.Bein