In an unfortunate incident, a 74-year-old man died of stroke on Saturday, October 28, while undergoing treatment at Government College Hospital after getting hit by a cow at Triplicane in Chennai on October 18. The man was hit when he tried to get the cow’s “blessings.” 📰 Chennai Shocker: Cow Hits Man as He Tries to Get Her 'Blessings', Victim Dies of Stroke While Undergoing Treatment.
According to the police, the victims are two special sub-inspectors and a head constable.
City Police Commissioner Shankar Jiwal and other police officers paid tributes to three police personnel who lost their lives due to COVID-19 recently.
According to the police, the victims are two special sub-inspectors (SSIs) and a head constable. T. Arul, SSI, attached with the traffic police, Sembium, died on May 6 at the Government Royapettah Hospital without responding to the treatment. Another SSI K.R. Balaji, attached with the traffic police, Villivakkam, succumbed at the Government Stanley Hospital on May 7.
Another victim K. Suresh Kumar was under treatment since April 26 at the Government College Hospital in Omandurar Government Estate and died on May 1 without responding to treatment.