Chair ronen good morning, everyone. The meeting will come to order. Good morning and welcome to the february 24, 2020 meeting of the rules committee. Seated to my left is supervisor gordon mar. Seating to my left for supervisor Catherine Stefani is matt haney. Our clerk is gordon an youyoun id like to thank sfgovtv. Mr. Clerk, do we have any announcements . Clerk yes. Please silence all phones and electr electron electronic devices. Items acted upon will appear on the board of supervisors agenda. Chair rone chair ronen thank you. Can you please read item one. Clerk would you like to excuse supervisor stefani . Chair ronen thank you. Yes. [gavel]. Clerk now would you please read item 1. [agenda item read]. Chair ronen and we have supervisor peskin. Hello, supervisor peskin. Would you like to make any opening comments . Supervisor peskin thank you, chair ronen, supervisor haney, and supervisor mar. As youre aware, the board of supervisors gives the board the power of subpoena which was s
My familys starts in mexico in a small town. My parents are from a very, very small town. So small, that my dads brother is married to one of my moms sisters. Its that small. A lot of folks from that town are here in the city. Like most immigrant families, my parents wanted a better life for us. My dad came out here first. I think i was almost twoyearsold when he sent for us. My mom and myself came out here. We moved to San Francisco early on. In the Mission District and moved out to daily city and bounced back to San Francisco. We lived across the street from the ups building. For me, when my earliest memories were the big brown trucks driving up and down the street keeping us awake at night. When i was sevenyearsold and im in charge of making sure we get on the bus on time to get to school. I have to make sure that we do our homework. Its a lot of responsibility for a kid. The weekends were always for family. We used to get together and whether we used to go watch a movie at the new
Might have. Otherwise excuse me, theres a general item for an upcoming meeting, perhaps in august. I think it would be timely with the onboarding of commissioner gray and commissioner smith joining us that we can have a deeper policy dive in terms of exploring not just the one of the items that are here before us today, but also other things that we had previously considered as a commission and can go through what we have been calling the policy prioritization station plan. I think we have done this on a quarterly basis, but looking at the overall portfolio of potential projects, it has been some time. I think it would be a good time to do grounding in terms of all that has come forward and matters before is now, and have a robust discussion of the full commission on where to go in the future both on the short medium and longterm. I think the timing would be good, because as you can see, a lot of these projects are in the later stages right now. The regulations that you approved hopefu
May have been some liability that we ought to have caught. We have a handful more matters under investigation. We are up to 93, twice as many matters under investigation then waiting for our triage. The amount of time that it takes investigators to get through those has either leveled off or begun to decline coming in now at 14. 5 months. Excuse me, mr. Pierce. On the preliminary review matters there was some Public Comment that came in on agenda item number six. I would just note for our discussion next month, and also for your consideration as you think about this, the comment had suggested adopting the practice of using warning letters. I would like to make sure that we include that as part of our discussion Going Forward where it would be i think its in between so you are not doing outright just so. It does not lead to a fullblown investigation either. Is it a good middle ground that i think is worth discussing and employing explain the benefit of adopting get thank you for flaggin
Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to the tuesday, january 10, 2017, board of supervisors meeting welcome to your new it colleagues supervisor sandra fewer supervisor ahsha safai and conceptually welcome to the this is not our first meeting your second welcome and it the returning members with that, madam clerk please call the roll. And supervisor president london breed supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor fewer supervisor kim not present supervisor peskin supervisor ronen supervisor safai supervisor safai supervisor tang supervisor yee madam president combourm quorum okay ladies and gentlemen, please join us in the pledge of allegiance of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you, madam clerk any communications. I have no communications to report madam president. Colleagues, any changes to the november 1, 2016, Board Meeting minutes seeing none, is there a motion to approve those minutes