Australian Greens
The ACT Greens have today welcomed the 2020-21 Budget which includes major investments in Real Climate Action, A Home for All and making sure Canberra is the most sustainable, ecologically-friendly city in the country.
“This Budget helps us begin to Build a Better Normal and delivers an array of key items in the Parliamentary and Governing Agreement,” ACT Greens leader Shane Rattenbury said. “Over the past decade, the ACT Greens have shown that we aren’t afraid of tackling large-scale challenges, fighting for equality, social justice and a stronger community. Addressing these challenges is building a more resilient economy for all of us.
Released 20/01/2021 – Joint media release
The Productivity Commission has released the first set of data as part of the 2021 Report on Government Services, demonstrating that the ACT continues to perform above the national average in many areas, including: access to public and community housing, and was the first jurisdiction to fully transition to the NDIS.
The ACT Government strives to enhance equality in our community, working with children, people with disability and those experiencing disadvantage to improve their lives.
We have had the added challenges and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic but have continued to support those in our community who need it most.