both gas station owners, as well as for oil companies because the price was down, you know, they were in negative territory. so, they pulled back on production. and they pulled back on production because they had pressure from their investors. they had pressure from the investors was, don t invest in capital, invest in shareholder buyback. so we can see some increase some better returns on our investment. and so that happened. they have been experiencing record profits. and so now is the time, that they have got to step up, to increase production right now. and to be able to be part of the solution. and not, you know, not have people feel like they re being gouged at the pump. we ve seen by the way sorry. go on. i was just going to say just quickly, this increase in gas prices, you know, can you imagine how much disproportionately it impacted people who don t have the luxury to work from home.
americans face. that working families cannot afford childcare. that young people cannot afford college. that medicare is incomplete by ignoring the most fundamental issues of outside, and hearing, and dental treatment. that the cost of drug prescription is outrageous. we re being gouged. and this bill addresses that. so i hope those conversations will bring to the forefront how these things are deeply profoundly supported by the american people. and so important to the health of our nation. so i think that is the pivot that i hope the discussions will take. the interesting thing of the weekend is that senator manchin is now uncomfortable with the total number target in the budget resolution. but that is something he voted for. he voted for the budget resolution. our his democratic colleagues confused about his position now?
was along those lines, and going back to what hodges said, i had in my 15 years of service i ve given thousands of i had given a tour to thousands of people at the capitol, as an officer and as a sergeant and even plain-clothes uniform. at no point in time did i ever get attacked. i don t know how would you call an attack on police officers a tour when you see me bleeding on my hand, and you see other officers getting concussions, getting maimed, getting fingers shattered. i got gouged. it s indescribable.
Man who stomped on pregnant partner s stomach sentenced to home detention
5 May, 2021 04:21 AM
4 minutes to read
Judge Mika said George Donnelly caused extreme harm to the victim. File photo / John Borren
A man who violently gouged his partner in the eyes and stomped repeatedly on her stomach while she was pregnant has been sentenced to home detention.
George Francis Donnelly, 25, appeared in the Hutt Valley District Court this afternoon on charges relating to the two incidents, which happened late last year.
The first attack was in August 2020, while he and the victim were at home in Lower Hutt.
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Pakiri sand mining gouging trenches in sea floor, locals and iwi opposing consent renewal
30 Apr, 2021 05:00 PM
5 minutes to read
A surfer on the Pakiri coast is dwarfed by McCallum Bros sand mining vessel which is at the centre of mulitple claims of ecological damage and consent breaches. Photo/ Doug Moores
A surfer on the Pakiri coast is dwarfed by McCallum Bros sand mining vessel which is at the centre of mulitple claims of ecological damage and consent breaches. Photo/ Doug Moores Locals, iwi and elected officials are furious that a company heading a sand mining operation off the Pakiri coastline, which gouged almost 3-metre deep trenches in the sea floor and allegedly committed multiple resource consent