The Mashpee Select Board approved several Mashpee Department of Public Works contracts and a Naukabout beer garden in Mashpee Commons during its meeting Monday, June 5.
Todd covers local government in the Finger Lakes. He has a JD degree the Lincoln Law School of Sacramento. Send tips to
The Ontario County Board of Supervisors met for a regular meeting on April 1, 2021. During the meeting, the Board continued its long-standing process of blocking resolutions into groups for consideration. The Board considered and unanimously approved 39 resolutions without discussion or debate.
The Government Operations and Insurance Committee moved five resolutions to the full Board for consideration.
The first Resolution authorized acceptance of a $91,912.47 grant from the New York State Board of Elections. These grant funds were from the Cybersecurity Remediation Grant Program for program costs running from December 21, 2019, through December 31, 2021.