you don t finish a day and think, oh, i need a break, i need to get out. like you re with the people that give you the sense of that break and that rest and that recuperation. and you can have, like we used to call them, like three hour holidays. there was a gap in the schedule. like you just go somewhere, play, you know, lose and or go for a walk all together. and it s funny what you can like if you have the mindset in the right place, how quickly you can recuperate if you need it, you know, and i m hearing myself in these headphones knowing that i need to recuperate, cause my voice sounds like marge simpson in a minute. it sjust because i m in the middle of a tour. there s nothing that can prepare i you for this, though, is there? i like how do you cope with it all? well, i live out in the countryside and just before we started filming this, we were just chatting and i mentioned that no one really cares. and i love that out in the countryside, like you just sort of it s jus
you never know. well, right now, we re going to bring back another old tv format. this is your life, where people got celebrities and people coming back from their past to come and give them messages on tv. we ve gotjustin hawkins from the darkness. one of your legendary figures. here s his message. good day to you, it s justin hawkins, and have a lovely message for sam ryder as i ponder life and the tribulations of my daily existence here in my studio. i often sing spacemen to myself and ijust think it s brilliant. what a brilliant number. so proud of you, my friend. also, i shaved off my moustache because i think you should be the rightful custodian of all british facial hair. and i ll keep my chin and top lip clean in your honour. nice one. my favourite thing about justin is not his incredible skill