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IndiaTV News provides you all the breaking news, latest news, breaking story videos, Live TV on a single platform to ensure you don t miss the biggest happenings in India and the world.
Rajapaksa, the first Sri Lankan president to quit mid-term, is temporarily sheltering in Thailand, after fleeing Sri Lanka on a military plane to the Maldives and then spending weeks in Singapore.
Singapore earlier said it has allowed Rajapaksa to enter the city-state on a private visit from the Maldives and there was no request for asylum from him, after he fled the country in the face of public revolt against his government s mishandling of the economy.
Gotabaya, who is currently in Singapore after fleeing his country in the face of public revolt against his government over mismanaging the economy, served as the defence secretary during his elder brother Mahinda Rajapaksa’s tenure as president from 2005 to 2014.