Not only are they bizarre but they take place in far off lands, like Riverside, California. That is what brough this question on, a Tuesday (5/16/23) report from Metro 24/7 News. The report states the following:
What's the Worst Pain Someone Could Experience? We brought this question to the I-95 listening audience but not until I took childbirth off the table. I said let's just call childbirth the worst and then move on. Do I know it's the worst? No, but I've learned not to argue against that. These were some of the many responses we received.
On Wednesday (5/10/23) we reported that a large moose had been spotted in the area of Routes 63 and 73 in Watertown. Time to get your moose tracker warmed up because a second sighting was reported today by Connecticut Fish and Wildlife. On Friday, around 11:30 am CFW posted the following to their Facebook page:
In November of 2021, Tara Carr unseated Steve Dunn and became First Selectman of Brookfield, CT. Believe it or not, it's almost time to decide again and Tara Carr wants to keep the job. The First Selectman was our guest on the Monday (5/8/23) edition of the I-95 Morning Show and we asked her about it.