all you need to do is have an abortion. i believe that eliminating the right of women to make decisions about went in with her to have children would have very damaging effects on the economy and would set women back decades so back . b ac oh , it would set amazon and google back decades because you can t be an obedienta d employee if you persistem on reproducing and having your own familypln right. women are told this constantly don t have a family. du you vety got a duty to gdphe and that s one of the reasons are birth rate has dropped rat by more than 20% in the past 15 years. but jenny yellen doesn t think that s low enoughbunelo. got to go lower, get to work. rebecca heinrichs is a senior s fellow at the hudson institute. she s also a mother ofso five . she joins us . a rebecca, thanks so much forve coming on . i ve always suspected that feminism was a corporate lie. this kind of confirms you know, stop whining about having your own childrenet get back to work, says janet