story? i can only surmise that they did not report the story because they did not want to exacerbate racial tension within the community. bill: that s not their job. it s obviously not their job. i m trying to give best take. i m baffled otherwise. i m similarly baffled by the fact that the two reporters have not chosen to press the case. bill: they are pressing it against the cops. that s still in play. they say the cops didn t investigate. so you have got a press coverup here and you have got a police coverup. i have got run. bill: catch herald with the geraldo with. women in combat controversy. women in combat controversy. the great, everybody made it.
look, my country is more important. it s that pile of bills that s not going to go away. the challenges that we have are not going to disappear. we need to cross that divide. i m ready. i m waiting. there s so much to discuss about this. i mean, no wonder congress approval rating is 13% and plummeting if you can plummet from 13%. number 2, newt gingrich appeared to call this completely correct from the beginning where he called the super committee the stupidest thing he had ever heard of. number three, where has the president of the united states been in this entire discussion? you could argue that he was there in those discussions with john boehner over the summer when we faced that deficit reduction crisis then but where has he been now? he s been in asia. he called before he left, called and said how is it going? how is the super committee going? not good, great. i ve got run. senator kerry s retort to that is the republicans wanted the president out. really? i saw the speaker
even if mandtory. therefore, it has to be actually. but charles, you can have reduction in benefit and age requirements in order to keep it stable. what are you arguing? that is the issue at hand and all about. obama is resisting. bret: i want to quickly turn to the new york special election in which the republican is at 50%. bob turner. over david wheprin in new york. this is anthony weiner s district. tucker, this happens and the republican takes that seat, what does it say? weprin is a perfect candidate. his father is political legend and he is running against a guy who has never been elected to anything who is 70 years old. this race is about obama. if republicans win you ll see democrats begin to distance themselves, the national democrats from the president. they have no choice. they ll be afraid. bret: we ll talk about it tomorrow. got run. that s it for panel. stay tuned to see how the n.f.l. season opener took a you go next if you had a hoveround power chair? the s
even if mandtory. therefore, it has to be actually. but charles, you can have reduction in benefit and age requirements in order to keep it stable. what are you arguing? that is the issue at hand and all about. obama is resisting. bret: i want to quickly turn to the new york special election in which the republican is at 50%. bob turner. over david wheprin in new york. this is anthony weiner s district. tucker, this happens and the republican takes that seat, what does it say? weprin is a perfect candidate. his father is political legend and he is running against a guy who has never been elected to anything who is 70 years old. this race is about obama. if republicans win you ll see democrats begin to distance themselves, the national democrats from the president. they have no choice. they ll be afraid. bret: we ll talk about it tomorrow. got run. that s it for panel. stay tuned to see how the n.f.l. season opener took a very political turn. ne facing ty with less chronic l
rented an apartment where they would live and said it is ludicrous he might leave. they do believe he is a risk of flight, that they revealed that the, quote, proof against him is substantial and is growing every day. the tate backed up the story of the alleged victim in the case, says she has an aunt wavering story and strong, preliminary evidence gathered from the hotel room. the judge has decided, t.j., he will take this under consideration and might make a decision today. it s possible he might get bailed but we ll have to find out. with that, i ve got run. all right. we ll let you get back in there, susan candiotti, we appreciate you hopping on the line while you had a chance. more happening inside the courtroom. quick recess that we hear. that s why our reporter was able to step out and hop on the line. dominique strauss-kahn, fighting right now to stay out of jail. doesn t want to go back to rikers island. who would? doesn t want to go back to jail while going through this leg