something you buy, but obviously it is for free. that got retweeted over and over and over again. why couldn t he have just said well i was just watching and said what i saw. but it wasn t like he said he was sorry for what he said. he was sorry because he took the spotlight off of his teammate. which is different. that s a a different type of apology. i just want/c+jñ to point out that i tweeted lol, that was the greatest post game interview ever. erin andrews, whatever her maim is, she will never do better work. she didn t say anything. right, and that was her best work ever, the best thing in her life. do you think his apology is sincere? i don t like apologies. stop apologizing. you are on the football field and you say stuff. worse things was said on that field at that game. people are bashing their heads. it is like stop interviewing people on the field.