national price of gas. here s the thing. we have heard from joe biden over the last 48 hours, and he has made it very clear. he can no longer blame donald trump for everything, so instead he says well, you know, i inherited that situation with covid. but now i have got putin. so if you have got a problem. blame putin. rachel: that s right. g.o.p. s lawmakers actually got together and here s what they had to say about all of this. i think it s perfectly clear that vladimir putin is not the cause of this rampant inflation that began at the beginning of year. if you just take a look at what prices were like when joe biden took office. price a gallon of gasoline 2.38 the day biden became president. probably lower than that the day he was president. before the invasion of ukraine by russia the price was 3.53 in
these are not friends of russia. these are not people who think vladamir putin is a friend. and at one point, h.r. mcmaster was quoted as having said, you know, he wants to be friends with putin, and i don t know why he would want to be. this is a consistent theme of his since he became president. he did not want to confront vladamir putin on this. take away the sentence he says was mangled, and the rest of the press conference still stands. he was offered a chance by jonathan s question to say would you condemn russia here and now for what they did? instead of doing that, he condemned the fbi for investigating it. you can see why john bolton, a long-time russia skeptic or mike pompeo would be alarmed by this and try to nudge him back onto at least safer territory. jonathan, let s go back to the question that you asked. did you have the sense when he answered that he had misspoken or from here, it all hung together quite well? certainly not. there was no suggestion that he
for something that he s not sorry is the cover that unravels him. do you think we ll see him revert back to believing vladamir putin? i don t think he s moved off of that point to be honest. this is exactly why the president can never submit to an interview with bob mueller. if this were in a deposition setting with mueller and his team and a court stenographer, this is perjury. so compaessentially we have per here. this is the problem his lawyers are wrestling with. with regard to the presser with putin, he threw out the presser. he continually refused to embrace the findings of the u.s. intelligence community. later in the presser, never mind this so-called misstatement, he was asked whether or not he believes u.s. intel or putin, and he said, i ve got u.s. intel and i ve got putin. and i have confidence in both parties. that s not embracing u.s. intelligence.