ConsUmer confIdence has slUmped. Is the Doom And Gloom laboUr Is sellIng sappIng all enthUsIasm for the brItIsh economy . The governments crItIcs say, It Is tIme for a new message . Reform say they wIll transform the party to pUt NIgel Farage In nUmber 10. Its a bIg pledge for a party wIth fIve mps. How are they goIng to do It . Good EvenIng And Welcome to newsnIght the home of InsIght and IntevIews. On oUr panel tonIght, The PromInent LaboUr Donor and champIon of Green Energy dale vInce, the former BrexIt Party mep, now talk presenter, alex phIllIps. And the Uk DIrector of more In common lUke tryl. For weeks now the government has been tellIng Us the coUntrys fInances are In a rIght old mess. Prepare yoUrself for some paIn, saId the PrIme MInIster. Well, It seems the coUntry has taken hIm at hIs word. ConsUmer sentIment, whIch powers the economy, has dropped lIke a stone In september. We are less wIllIng to spend, whIch means small and medIUm sIzed bUsInesses are not InvestIng eIther.
this year. since then, the former president has made no secret for his plans of revenge if he wins a second term in november, including in an interview aired just last night. they have done indictments in order to win an election. they call it weaponization. and the people aren t going to stand for it. yeah, they have done something that allows the next party. if i happen to be president, and i see somebody who s doing well and beating me very badly, i say, go down and indict them. mostly that would be, you know, they would be out of business. they d be out. they d be out of the election. so this is not the first time that we ve heard that a victorious president-elect trump would do things differently the second time around. the new york times recently reporting on how allies of the former president are preparing to pack the white house with aggressive right wing lawyers who would be less likely to stand in the way of his agenda, which was a frustration of his during hi
the cdc expert advisory panel voted 15 to nothing for this recommendation. either one of the women are and the vaccines is preferred over the johnson & johnson for your vaccination. so that is clear guidance now. if the moderna or pfizer is available to you get inoculated with one of those instead of the johnson & johnson. but for the 60 million americans who got the j&j shot already there is not really practical questions that are left fuzzy if not unanswered when it comes to boosters. the cdc recommended in october for anyone who got johnson & johnson should get a booster. to get them at least two months after your johnson & johnson shot. but what s should your booster be? when they recommended that people who got j&j should get a booster, the cdc said at the time it s fine to mix and match. you can get a different vaccine for the booster shot. but this new guidance tonight
people, this new variant, and in some ways that is good. we want people to get vaccinated for all the right reasons, and we ll take what we can get and it s good that people are getting vaccinated. hopefully these numbers will continue to rise. ana? we keep hearing the push from the administration for people to go get their booster shots and how important that is if you now had six months since your last shot and full vaccination. what are we learning about this new study that is on mix and matching, specifically the j&j covid vaccine with the pfizer vaccine. what did this new study find? ana, this was a new study done by johnson & johnson. they looked at just about 65 people who were originally vaccinated with pfizer. they gave some of them a j&j booster and some of them a pfizer booster. johnson & johnson says the people who got johnson & johnson did better, their antibody response was more sustained and had a better t-cell response, a memory immune cell, a different kind of immu
doctor, there s also lingering questions about the booster shot for eligible people who got johnson & johnson, so what booster should they get? and when should they get it? two months after you got your first shot of j&j, so for most americans who got the one shot, they re probably two months out already. i strongly encourage them to get a second shot of an mrna vaccine, to not get the second shot of johnson & johnson, but to sub it out for a mrna vaccine. it s very safe based on both our own experience and global experiences, but really shoots up your level of protection in a way that that second dose of j&j just does not. that s interesting. the biden administration, doctor, laid out plans to rope international travel, but it does include a vaccine mandate for foreign travelers, with the