it s absolutely extraordinary. he s a legend, he sl an absolute legend. i think his contribution i is more than invaluable. # i want to thank you. and just listen to his voice. not many voices i think are so identifiable as his. # hoo, yeah, yeah. i mean, for a producer, that must be like a dream to work with. i think when you get a singer. who has their own voice, to me, that s what it s all about. there s a colour in his voice which you can t emulate. i also singing on the record, some very special guests, each with first hand experience of dementia care. i look after a home with 65 residents, all living with dementia. and we can t overestimate the power of music. so we have some people that aren t expressive verbally, but when it comes to music and song, they sing word perfect, it s incredible. i m basically here because my mum s got alzheimer s dementia.