If ann had not made a different decision careerwise than she made. But when i was at the institute for justice, ann many of you probably know that ann was a lawyer before she became the celebrity and commentator that she is today. She applied for a position at the institute for justice and we offered her a position working as an attorney for ij. And she turned us down. The reason she turned us down was that washington, d. C. , had adopted an antismoking ordinance and she was wondering where the heck she was going to be smoking her cigarettes. And it would not be at our office, unfortunately for her. But, subsequently we hired a different lawyer, and that lawyer and i organized a group of parents in South Central los angeles to fight for school choice, to file a lawsuit arguing that the quality of education in South Central los angeles was so appalling that it violated our your state constitutions guarantee of a highquality education. And they sought a voucher remedy, essentially the op