of the union claim. freeze federal spending. social security, as well. that is why biden s polls are so low. walt disney ceo slashing jobs. will rename reedy creek. disney will honor the debt. there is a new sheriff in town. the philadelphia eagles will take on the kansas city chiefs. people count us out, don t count us out. [cheering] ainsley: nice job, everyone. lawrence is there in philadelphia because the eagles are playing steve s kansas chiefs on sunday on fox 6:30 on sunday night. lawrence, they are fired up. we are loving the interviews. you know, we are so fair and balanced on fox that they sent a cowboy fan to philly to celebrate with them and they have been so nice. steve: absolutely and lawrence, we ve seen a lot of memorabilia for different teams that guy with the eagles hat, never seen anything like that. i want one. can you figure out where you get it and bring one back for me? i got you, brother. steve wants an eagle hat. ainsle