say now that i m going to say well they won. as i said their beard. mark mark on. the here was. 1948 i do not bread. water i mean. india to wave. their dead persons. not live. in the indian capital delhi there are several sites dedicated to the memory of the man to whom the poet to gore gave the name mahatma great soul. this somebody the site where gandhi s body was cremated on
man to whom the poet to gore gave the name mahatma great soul. this somebody this site where gandhi s body was cremated on a funeral pyre of sandal wood in accordance with hindu funeral custom. the national gandhi museum and house converted into a memorial museum after gandhi was assassinated on its grounds. every day crowds of visitors flock there from all over the country bengal and kerala pradesh and money poor. many indians rich or poor still see it as their duty to make the pilgrimage and pay homage. to the atmosphere feels more like a temple and museum. one room has a series of die rama s depicting key scenes from gandhi s life. visitors remove their shoes to approach the spot where the mahatma fell to the assassin s bullets.