Private donations to UC Berkeley increase amid COVID-19 pandemic
David McAllister/Staff
During the difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in private donations to UC Berkeley. The funding includes private donations to campus departments, private donors to fund campus and record-breaking fundraising.
Amid the ebb and flow of private funding that occurs every year, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an increase in private donations to UC Berkeley to support the campus community.
Donations tend to increase when people are inspired to do so, which occurs not only when there is positive news but also during difficult times such as the pandemic, according to José Rodríguez, senior editorial director of university development and alumni relations. Contributions aimed at supporting students, such as those given to the Student Emergency Fund and Basic Needs Center, increased drastically after the pandemic was declared in 2020.
As the world grappled with COVID-19, a recession and a racial reckoning, the ultrawealthy gave to a broader set of causes than ever before bestowing multimillion-dollar gifts on food pantries, historically Black colleges and universities and organizations that serve the poor and the homeless.