Here is a good example of the pressure Garrison was putting on people in the gay community.You can find this document here. Informant No. 949-C is Betty Parent a.k.a. Parrot, who also provided information to Garrison. She will be turning up in an upcoming blog post.Here is a report on
As you might know, Garrison indicted Clay Shaw for perjury after his acquittal on conspiracy charges. He claimed Shaw lied when he denied knowing David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald. Garrison told his staff to go out and find new leads to help prove his perjury case.
Garrison had strict instructions on the maintenance of this file:
There are many memos of Shaw Leads II. Most of the leads are nothing more than rehashed rumors or stale leads that were of no interest when first reported. Needless to say, none of the leads panned out. Here is one of the first memos: