A Major Construction project has helped ease floodwaters. Im melissa chan welcome to news asia thank you for joining us prodemocracy protesters have again defied a Government Order aimed at preventing demonstrations 20000 people gathered in the streets of bangkok on sunday for a peaceful rally where they demanded political change it comes as thailands king returns to the country after months of on rest. 4 days of defiance tired prodemocracy protesters have been maintaining the momentum despite a ban on gatherings of over 4 people. We are here to. Take a stand for what we believe in. Their constitution. And also about the government off thailand. This going to be a country for a while. But mostly student power would movement has been leading unrest in thailand since july for the last 4 days have seen an escalation. On friday police used Water Cannons unsuccessfully dispersing the demonstrators many protesters were also arrested. By arresting the protest leaders and would be deterred som