It bothered me for many years. Later in the 80s and not 1890s, i 90s i did spent a great deal of time in the streets walking at night. Not just downtown but not just washington in everybodys mind and i came to think that this is a city that i wanted to investigate and explore more and write a history of. To understand that there are three things working on my book and things that would work in my book in washingtons history right from the beginning the importance of race in the city and the fact that that importance has rippled through two centuries plus of washingtons history and in many ways it has mirrored what has gone on in the united states. Finally of course washington as the great symbol that it is of our democracy. This might annoy some people that washington belongs to washingtonians but it also belongs to me. It belongs to every citizen of the united states. After all, it is our representatives, our senators who control your destiny as washingtonians. That of course is somet
Host guggenheim fellow and has taught classes at oxford, cambridge, you know, university of chicago, chicago, and also the northwestern university, which he just retired from. He has written several awardwinning books on subjects ranging from the Tobacco Culture to the consumer politics of the American Revolution. His new book tells the story about a series of journeys that George Washington took to all the original 13 states during his 1st term in office. There is detailed account he demonstrates the vital importance of wheeling the role it played in helping unify scattered nation. In his review renowned historian notes, it is hard to think that anything new could be said about George Washington. But it has been done. He has given us new insight into the acute political skills of our 1st president in the state of the country in the 1790s. Please join me in welcoming professor timothy. Ill be happy to answer questions at the end of our mark. The most fun book i have ever written are re
over from the white house to the building where they were holding the watch party at one point today and dropped in unexpectedly on the federal workers there watching the game. before sitting down in the room there to watch some of the game himself president obama led the crowd in a round of i believe that we can win. i believe that we can win. which is apparently the american fan chant that you hear most often now at our international soccer matches including at the world cup. i believe that we can win did not start as a soccer thing. i believe that we can win was invented as a chant by a navy mid shipman serving in annapolis. he came up with as a way to support the navy football team. now it has become an all-american sporting chant including the one led today by the president of the united states. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe. i believe that we can win. i believe that we can win. i believe that we can win. i believe that we can win. so the white house is