Spectrum Health says there is a shortage of monoclonal antibodies and it’s making it hard for health care providers to give monoclonal antibody treatments.
What Can You do if You Test Positive for COVID19?
We know that the COVID vaccine is working well. But for the unvaccinated, the worry is what can you do if you test positive and begin showing symptoms?
Monoclonal Antibody treatment is the answer, and Spectrum Health is the plase, as they have treated almost 900 patients with monoclonal antibodies, which help patients recover faster and better after being diagnosed with COVID-19.
Fox17 reported on two of those patients, Ben and Marie Sovinksi. They received the treatment on Friday. Ben and Marie are certainly in a high risk category. Ben is 96 years old and Marie is 100 years old, and they have been married for nearly 75 years, and they decided the therapy treatment would be a good option for them once they received a positive test result.
Spectrum Health offers antibody treatment for COVID-19
Courtesy Spectrum Health
Spectrum Health West Michigan opened an infusion clinic at Spectrum Health Blodgett Hospital on Wednesday that uses monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of COVID-19.
The infusion clinic at Blodgett Hospital, 1840 Wealthy St. SE, replaces a smaller clinic that has been operating since December at the Spectrum Health Medical Center in downtown Grand Rapids. Developed with expertise and input from the Spectrum Health infectious disease team, the new clinic will provide more space and scheduling opportunities for treatment.
“At a time when a treatment for COVID-19 is at the forefront of everyone’s minds, Spectrum Health is excited to provide monoclonal antibodies to treat patients,” said Dr. Gordana Simeunovic, M.D., Spectrum Health infectious disease expert. “The possibilities presented by these new treatments are encouraging. They are affordable, easy to administer and have been shown to ha
Spectrum Health expanding COVID-19 antibody treatment clinic
To be considered for this treatment option, patients must be 12 years of age or older and meet initial criteria Author: 13 ON YOUR SIDE Staff Published: 11:41 PM EST February 3, 2021 Updated: 11:41 PM EST February 3, 2021
Spectrum Health Blodgett Hospital will be able to treat about 15 COVID-19 patients per day with monoclonal antibody treatment starting next week.
After taking part in clinical trials last fall with inpatients, the health system launched a small scale out patient clinic at Butterworth Hospital after the Food & Drug Administration gave emergency use authorization.
The infusion treatment features Eli Lilly’s Bamlanivimab and Regeneron’s Casirivimab and Imdevimab combination.