Telugu s biggest OTT platform Aha will have Nandamuri Balakrishna hosting a talk show. Everything is set for the Akhanda hero to host a celebrity talk show titled Unstoppable .Also, the makers of the show seem to have shot for an exciting .
Telugu's OTT platform Aha will have Nandamuri Balakrishna hosting a talk show. Everything is set for the 'Akhanda' hero to host a celebrity talk show titled 'Unstoppable'.
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After multiple hurdles, Ravi Teja s Krack hit the screens later in the evening of the scheduled date of release on Saturday, Jan. 9. Reportedly, the movie hit everal distribution hurdles before the producers intervened to resolve the issues.
Krack posterposter/Twitter
Krack, Ravi Teja s latest collaboration with director Gopi Chand Mallineni after the movies Don Seenu and Balupu, is touted to be a commercial entertainer, with Sruthi Haasan playing the female lead.
Krack Storyline: Ravi Teja plays a powerful cop named Pothuraju Veera Shankar in this flick. Though the main plot is a regular cop-story, director Gopi Chand Mallineni s narration is unique and varied. Pothuraju Veera Shankar s encounter with three nefarious criminals in different circumstances lands him in trouble. How Veera Shankar handles attacks on him by the criminals is the rest of the story.