The narrative, based on actual events, unfolds in a small town in 1990s Bangladesh, where the film's protagonist, Dipa, portrayed with resilience and conviction by Aanon Siddiqua, grapples with the aftermath of a failed marriage, societal taboos, and the weight of family honour. Aanon’s acting prowess, coupled with the raw emotions portrayed throughout the runtime, is bound to
7 South Asian films look for a break in Cannes
Six under-production documentaries and an all-set-to-roll fiction feature from South Asia are looking for production and distribution breakthroughs in pitching and mentoring sessions coinciding with the 74th Cannes Film Festival. Eka (Solo) , the debut feature of Kolkata-born, Mumbai-based Suman Sen, is in La Fabrique Cinema, an Institut Francais-sponsored mentoring programme for young directors. We are now just one draft away from the shooting. The pandemic situation permitting, we will start filming in mid-2022, says Sen, who has been in the advertising industry for 15 years. The film reflects the time I have lived in for the last couple of years: a time of hatred, intolerance and violence, says Sen.