A Texas pastor's open letter to his congregation on how parents can offer a Biblical response to pride month to their kids has been censored by the Google-owned blogging platform Blogger.
Dan Phillips, a Christian pastor and sometimes blogger, recently posted a letter he sent to his congregation to help parents explain Pride Month to their children..
SAI AUNG MAIN/AFP via Getty Images
Google has yanked hosting of a blog promoting propaganda for the Myanmar military s coup.
The blog, named for the coup s leader, was hosted on the Google-owned Blogger platform.
Freedom-of-information activist Donk Enby tipped off Insider about the blog this week.
Google has pulled down a propaganda blog supporting the military coup in Myanmar after the blog was discovered by an online activist this week.
The blog was managed and hosted via the Google-owned Blogger platform under the URL seniorgeneralminaunghlaing.com, taking its name from the Myanmar military leader who has seized control of the country.
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A site on Blogger, which is owned by Google, is being used for propaganda for the Myanmar coup.
Gmail accounts are listed in financial information for companies on a US sanctions list.
Activists say Google should act to stop military coup leaders from using their tools.
Freedom-of-information activists say the coup leaders who have seized power in Myanmar are using Gmail and the Google-owned Blogger platform to spread propaganda, and that Google should crack down.
The US and UN have decried the February 1 coup in which the military seized power and arrested top political leaders. There have been reports of use of excessive force by the military, which has cut much of the population s access to the internet.